The UK hosts a wide variety of scrambling terrain from gullies and gills to buttresses which can give you routes well in excess of over 1,000ft of scrambling. One can link up a variety of scrambles with a minimum of walking distance between them to enjoy scrambles over 2,000ft.
The gills and gullies are a popular feature of the of the UK hills and mountains which can often provide an interesting way of gaining height to the tops.
Many of the gill and gully scrambles consist of enjoyable ascents close to the water that runs off from the top of the fells. It is advised that when venturing into the gills and gullies they are best explored when the water level s low which will enable you to enjoy are relatively dry assent mainly on clean high water washed rocks.
A certain amount of caution is advised when scrambling in gills and gullies to be aware of slippy and damp rock which could cause a slip or fall. The greatest fun can be had by trying to avoid the water as much as possible from hopping or jumping from one bolder to another across the streams. On occasion one may be showered by the spray of the cascades and water proofs are often advised to keep you dry on cooler days.
After a long period of rain some of theses gills and gullies will be out of the question for scrambling as the water level rises very quickly during a heavy down poor. In winter the gills and gullies pose different problems such as verglass and snow causing the rock to become extremely slippy and in passable without crampons.
If one finds ones self a bit out of depth and struggling to ascend then many of these scrambles are escapable and an easy descent can be made by climbing out of the gully and back down to the valley.
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