Shining Clough Scramble
part of the Peak District scrambling collection.
A very green scramble, tricky in places, located above the Woodhead reservoir.
Grade: 2 / 3.
Distance: 2.9 miles (100m of scrambling)
Time: 2.5 hours
Parking: Woodhead Reservoir Car Park (maps link)

Getting to the Clough
After parking up, make your way through the gate, and turn left on the tarmacked road for 1 mile, crossing the cattle grid as you do. Eventually you reach another gate with a road marked private, and a sign post right saying “path to open country”.
Turn right here, and follow the fence on the right side, crossing some questionable stiles, until the path eventually leads you into the bed of shining clough.

Getting Up
It’s a very green and slippery route, and tends to have quite a large amount of water coming down it. You simply have to scramble upwards, taking care to step slowly over grass which tends to hide large holes that could damage your ankles!

The First Pitch
This is quite an intimidating first move, which could be considered dangerous in certain conditions. You will probably get very wet trying to climb this!
If you can get close enough, get right to the face of the waterfall, and looking left, there is a clear gully line running up and out above and right.
The rock immediately at your left shoulder can be used as a hand hold, while lifting your right leg up to a high ledge. This offers a strong start to gain the gully.

If you’ve ascended this scramble, then it would be great if you could help us fill in the description. Email [email protected] for more information.
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