From the top of Raven crag at about the same level look across to your right and you will see a crag that bares clean rock, and at the base are two large silver Birch trees.
To access this scramble head over the top of Raven crag to the summit of the ridge that is Pussie’s Paradise marked with a cairn. Head over the top and drop down into a shallow dip to your right. Head down to the foot of the scramble marked by a pinnacle and rock wall on your right. Do not head down to the large Silver Birch as this would mean that you have gone to far, for those of that do, then scramble the small knoll above and the start of the scramble can be seen ahead.
The scramble starts at a large broken flake/bolder at the bottom right of the main wall. Scramble between the bolder and the main wall to reach a series of rock steps that will take you to a small heathery stance on your right.
From here continue to keep right up the main wall to a large grass shelf. Continue the scramble to another grass shelf. To finish keep left on the rock to get the most out of the scramble which will lead you to the top.
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