.Grade. 2.
Exit contour. 240m. Length. 1246ft. 380m. Av angle. 36 degrees.
Allow 3 hours from and back to the car for a party of two.
Descend the footpath down to Sillery Sands from the A39 road. At half tide or below on an ebb tide walk the beach to the foot of the gully. Depending on the tide you may have to scramble over Lower and Upper Blackhead points.
This route was last climbed on 01.12.05 during heavy rain. The description below is how it was that day.
Do not assume that the gully, which is constantly changing has remained in the same condition. All measurements are estimates. In its present condition this is not a route for a large party.
Helmets, rope and axe are highly recommended. Keep tightly together to avoid dislodging rocks onto those below. 246ft. 75m. Scree slope.
From the beach climb the right side then move back left on a path under the cliff into the gully proper. 250ft. 76m. Continue on scree up the left side of the gully where the left wall provides handholds to pull against the continual shift underfoot. The gully turns left under the main face. 150ft. 46m. Move on up past a level area, which is passed on your right.
Continue to the start of the zigzags and to the foot of the 10ft rock step. Diff grade. 150ft. 46m. Climb the step with care. Avoid touching the large block at the top. (If its still there) The gully remains difficult for one ropes length to the next corner where an axe in the turf provides the only means of belaying. 246ft. 75m. The gully remains steep and narrow for about 75ft where the difficulty eases.
Turning slightly left continue up and search the grass slopes for a faint line of a zigzag path. 196ft. 60m. Continue up on easier grass to the wooden rails at the top.
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